Friday, May 1, 2009

It has been a long time!!

Well it is hard to believe that Alina is 7 weeks old already and I have to go back to work on May 11th :( I am going to miss her so much but we have toget paid!! Here are some pictures of her recently. She had her two month check up yesterday and she weights 9.5 lbs and is 21.4 inches long. She is sleeping through the night well about 7 hours at a time and eating about every four hours during the day. She eats about 3.5 ounces at a time and is growing like a weed.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Little Alina is here!!

Little Alina arrived on Tuesday March 17, 2009 at 6:34am. She weighed in at a massive 6.5 pounds and 19 inches long. I went into labor around 7pm on Monday the 16th and arrived at the hospital at around 11pm. I gave birth just a few hours later and it was not so bad after all. They say it is the most painful thing you will go through but the the easiest to forget and that is definately true. She is beautiful and very healtly. At her two day checkup she had dropped to 6.4 pounds but last Friday the 27th she weighed 6.11 pounds so she is on the right track.

Friday, March 13, 2009

It is almost time!!

I went to the doctor today and I found out that I am over 2cm dilated and 50 percent effaced. She scheduled me an appt for next Friday morning but she said she would be surprised if I made it until then. Ed's prediction is Wednesday the 18th. We will see and I will let all know when I go into labor.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Is it over yet!!

It is getting to the point where I am ready for little Alina to come on out. I have to say I have had a very good pregnancy with no problems but I am getting bigger and simple everyday tasks are getting more difficult. Getting out of the car, working 10 and 11 hour days etc. I have managed to not miss one day of work since I found out I was pregnant and I still walk at least a mile a day back and forth to the hospital dropping and picking things up for work. I will keep everyone updated on the labor front and hopefully she will be here in the next few weeks. I have an appt next Friday the 13th for my 38th week appt so I will see how much I am dilated and when she can come on out.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baby Showers are over and baby needs to come!!

Now that my baby showers have come and gone and all of my wonderful family and friends have showered me with gifts, I am beyond ready for the baby to come. I was fortunate enough to only have to purchase a few items because everyone was so generous at the baby showers. I just bought my dresser/changing table and that will get put together in the coming week- and that is it for the nursery. Alina's closet is loaded with clothes all the way up to size 12 months and I have already picked out the outfit that she will come home in and also which outfit will be first for the newborn pictures. I am heading to St Pete Beach this weekend for a conference for work so it will be a good get away for the family before the baby arrives. We are staying at the Don Cesar on the expense of the UF Urology Dept so we are very excited since we do not get to stay at such resorts very often. Please check out the new pics just posted of the baby shower and all the loot.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The crib should be arriving tomorrow and the glider and ottoman arrived yesterday and we will be working on putting those together the next few days so that they are ready for the baby shower on Saturday afternoon. I am getting very excited about the shower and cannot wait to see all of my family and friends. I am also having a shower at work on February 17th so I am getting ready for that as well.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Getting closer and closer to Baby Shower time!!

We are offically all moved in the new place and set up, pictures are even on the wall- in only 3 days!! We are now looking forward to the baby shower which is next Saturday February 7th- I cannot wait. The crib has been ordered and we are waiting on that so we can set up little Alina's nursery. We have an appt on February 5th- I will be 33 weeks so she will be able to give me an estimation on weight of the baby, and if she is moving down head first. I am excited about this appt because starting after this we start going to the doctor every two weeks for two appts instead of once a month and then on to once a week starting at 36 weeks. I will give an update on Alina's progress on the 5th.

Friday, January 9, 2009



Monday, January 5, 2009

We found out that we were expecting on July 29, 2008. We found out that we were expecting a beautiful baby girl on October 30, 2008. Soon after that we started picking out names and of course buying those adorable clothes. I would have to say that even though she is not here yet she has enough clothes to be dressed for the first 9 months with no problem.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

It is a busy time for us as Christmas is now past us and moving is coming upon us very quickly. We are moving to a bigger place on January 23rd and cannot wait. We have decided to hire movers as I am getting larger and we have other things that need to be done so we don't want to hurt daddy's back to much. We are moving into a three bedroom so that we can decorate little Alina's room. We also have the baby shower creeping up on us that will take place at our new home on February 7!! I can't wait for that and it is so fun seeing items fulfilled on my Target registry.
